It is well known that orphans’ lives are so hard, and they need our help. But have you ever thought of what the orphans need rather than money or food?

They need respect. Try to choose your words when you are talking to them because it is extremely hard to trace the effect of a word on a life, especially if you are treating an emotional person as an orphan.

Consider asking for their permission before doing anything that is related to them because they are humans just like us not a charitable program.

Finally, they need to feel that they have found their family that they lost, be their family, build their capability, be their source of joy. They may not be able to offer an equal return of service but, the inner peace which they might get in their spirits for a moment shall be an awesome lifetime blessing to you.

Aiming at making a positive change in the orphans living conditions in Egypt, Nahla Elnmer joined an Egyptian NGO, Wataneya Society for the Development of Orphanages in 2012, which develops the Quality Standards for Care within institutional homes for children without parental care.

To upgrade her career, Nahla acquired an international vocational qualification in promoting childcare, which made her part of Wataneya’s assessors.

Currently, Nahla is a Senior Assessor at Wataneya Society for the Development of Orphanages, where she is leading a team of assessor to conduct institutional assessments for orphanages based on the Quality Standards for Alternative Care to support the orphanages to identify their strengths and their points for improvements.

Moreover, Nahla is conducting “do & do not” workshops for volunteers to guide them how to deal with orphans. In addition to, conducting a training to the caregivers who are responsible to raise the children within the orphanages. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

عـلاقـة إنـسـانـيـة | Nahla Elnmer | TEDxManaratAlFaroukSchool