Amid our changing world, many employees are struggling to create a healthy work-life blend—especially Millennials and Gen-Z. According to a new study from MetLife, many younger employees are working longer hours, with a majority worried about their mental and financial health.
Of all generations, Millennial employees are the most stressed (40%), most tired (39%) and most burned out (36%) today. Gen-Z (42%) are the most likely to feel mentally unwell right now, followed closely by Millennials at 36%.
As employers begin to bring employees back into offices and routines change yet again, employees of all generations will feel new strains in addition to their current challenges.
If you’re among those struggling with a tricky new blend of work and life, while navigating increased financial and mental health pressures, you’re not alone. But what can you do? MetLife’s Meredith Ryan-Reid, Head of Financial Wellness & Engagement, has some advice.
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3 Ways To Balance Your Work And Personal Life Without Going Crazy | Forbes