
Joe Wang is the Founder and Chairman of Blackbow, a new media art organization since 2010 and currently works in media and art design. His work includes projects in culture, travelling, real estate and technology. Since founding Blackbow in 2010, he has dedicated himself to using modern technology and designs to spread the essence of Chinese culture around the world. One of Joe’s recent projects was being Visual Director of the PRC’s 70th National Day celebrations in Beijing.

TEDxTHU 是TEDx组织在清华大学的官方合作组织。TEDx将TED组织‘传播有价值的思想’的精神定在世界各地。TEDx由具有好奇心、善于发现新点子、乐于交流的人组织。

TEDxTHU officially represents TEDx at Tsinghua University. TEDx brings the spirit of TED’s mission of ‘ideas worth spreading’ to local communities around the globe. TEDx events are organized by curious individuals who seek to discover ideas and spark conversations in their own community. 王志鸥,新媒体艺术机构”黑弓”的创始人及主要运营者,从事媒体和艺术设计,主要作品覆盖了文化、旅游、地产、科技等领域。自2010年成立黑弓以来,一直致力于利用光与影向全世界传播中国文化。他最近的项目包括负责国庆70周年联欢活动的总视觉设计。

Joe Wang is the Founder and Chairman of Blackbow, a new media art organization since 2010 and currently works in media and art design. His work includes projects in culture, travelling, real estate and technology. Since founding Blackbow in 2010, he has dedicated himself to using modern technology and designs to spread the essence of Chinese culture around the world. One of Joe’s recent projects was being Visual Director of the PRC’s 70th National Day celebrations at Tiananmen Square. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

70周年联欢活动是如何设计的? How did we design China’s 70th National Day Festivities? | 王志鸥 (Joe Wang) | TEDxTHU