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Dear partners, as promised, we are posting a new video message from Alex Richter, dedicated to the audit of Antares Trade by the regulator.
Watch it and find out:
✅ The audit results;
✅ How and when we will compensate for losses;
✅ What will happen to the partners’ accounts, and much more.
Our team is continuously working to ensure that the Alcor platform grows steadily and smoothly, and that Antares completes the audit successfully as quickly as possible!
website: https://alcor.trade/
telegram: https://t.me/antrtrade
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BMxVVJIbg/?igshid=17n1lxdk3amuc
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antarestrade2020
twitter: https://twitter.com/antares_trade
Message From the Founder Alex Richter: Antares News (Spanish)