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Dear partners, yesterday, March 3, 2021, we launched the Coin Profit Team program and listed Boco Coin on the Antares Exchange at an initial price of $1.

So, Token Sale participants can already make a profit on the growth of the coin rate but there is no need to rush. After all, you can earn even more if you join the Coin Profit Team program! It guarantees:

— Daily yield from 0.6 to 1.2%;
— Additional profit due to the monthly growth of the coin rate by 5%;
— Rewards up to 5.5% from the income of partners at a depth of 11 levels.

Also, timed to the launch of the program and the listing of the cryptocurrency, the founder of the platform, Alex Richter, recorded a video message in which he spoke in detail about the Coin Profit Team, Boco Coin, and answered many questions:

— Why was Antares Exchange chosen for listing?
— What benefits will Token Sale participants get?
— How many coins have we bought and frozen?
— How will the participants of the new program make a profit?
— Why will the Boco Coin rate grow?
— What architecture is the cryptocurrency developed on?
— Will Boco Coin integrate into various payment systems and wallets?
— How long is the time between blocks?
— How many validators will mine the coin?
— Are there any Boco Coin transaction fees?

Watch the new video message, buy Boco Coin and participate in the Coin Profit Team program!

website: https://antares.trade/
telegram: https://t.me/antrtrade
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BMxVVJIbg/?igshid=17n1lxdk3amuc
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antarestrade2020
twitter: https://twitter.com/antares_trade
youku: https://i.youku.com/i/UNzcxOTUzNDY4NA==?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0
Vkontakte: https://vk.com/antares_trade_limited

A Message from the Founder of Antares Alex Richter: Coin Profit Team (Russian)