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In today’s video message, Alex Richter, the founder of Antares, shared incredible news and talked about the platform’s new financial capabilities and goals for the next 2 years. One of them is filing for an IPO in 2022. For several years, the company has been making decisions that will contribute to the development of the financial and cryptocurrency industry, and developing the products necessary for this.

Launched Products:
— Coin Capitalization, a cryptocurrency exchange rate monitoring service, launched in 2018
— Buyex, a currency exchange service, launched in 2019
— Anonymous, a crypto wallet, launched in 2019

Awaiting launch:
1️⃣ The Antares Pay payment system with its own bank cards is tentatively scheduled for July this year.
2️⃣ Antares Broker, a brokerage platform, to be launched at the end of 2020
3️⃣ Antares Exchange cryptocurrency exchange – in 2021
4️⃣ The Antares Exchange cryptocurrency exchange, to be launched in 2021
5️⃣ Forex and crypto trading bots—Antares Forex bot and Antares Crypto Bot—to be launched in 2021

One of the main events is the launch of the Token Profit Team option program, which just took place today. This program is available to all Antares partners. Token Profit Team is a one and a half year marathon with a yield of 99.900%. We have developed special licenses that have a certain cost, term, a limit on the purchase and sale of tokens, and requirements for the mandatory freeze period. Be careful, the number of licenses is limited, and we will issue only a few a day. Buy them together with your partners and receive bonuses in the form of additional tokens that can be immediately put up for sale.

Watch the video to learn more about the results of the company and its plans for the next two years.

website: https://antares.trade/
telegram: https://t.me/antrtrade
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BMxVVJIbg/?igshid=17n1lxdk3amuc
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antarestrade2020
twitter: https://twitter.com/antares_trade
youku: https://i.youku.com/i/UNzcxOTUzNDY4NA==?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0
Vkontakte: https://vk.com/antares_trade_limited

Message from Antares CEO Alex Richter: Token Profit Team (RUS Voice-over)