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Dear partners, how was your October? We hope it was as productive as ours! We present to your attention a new video appeal by CEO Alex Richter, in which he sums up the outgoing month and shares his plans for November.

In October:

Coin Capitalization has got some new functions: we added the possibility to track the DeFi coins.

Launch of the Antares Market platform for the purchase and sale of various goods for cryptocurrency, as well as Antares Dollar.

Several hundred people have fulfilled the conditions of the “Catalyst Apple Octoberfest” promotion and are about to receive gorgeous prizes.

Leadership was held in Turkey, which was attended by more than 100 leaders of our company from around the world. The event lasted 4 days; during this time, the participants made new acquaintances, had time to work hard and to relax.

The next month is about to bring:

1⃣ A new investment package in Binar Profit Team with a value of 75,000 AND.

2⃣ Launch of the Antares Foundation, the mission of which will consist in the creation of interaction between the like-minded who are ready to jointly implement the socially important projects.

3⃣ Launch of the Step Profit Team — strategies to promote the Aristo Investment Management quantum fund with a yield of about 1% per day.

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Message from the Antares CEO Alex Richter: October Results. What Awaits the Company Next Month?