For English see below.
Сколько сил отнимают офлайн-покупки в сравнении с онлайн? Как должны измениться дизайн и бизнес-модель ТЦ, чтобы идеальная вещь находилась быстрее, а посетителей не изматывал шоппинг? Еще в 2016 году студенты «Стрелки» изучали опыт ритейла на примере крупнейших торговых центров Москвы и Сеула. Из этого исследования вырос проект “Disrupt the (m)all” — о том, как бренды могут собирать и обрабатывать данные о покупателях, чтобы и в физическом пространстве магазина предлагать только те товары, которые будут отзываться на предпочтения.
Сайт проекта:
Explore the research on retail and shopping malls based on Moscow and Seoul experience and conducted by Strelka students in 2016:
Every day our consumer behavior is being steadily reprogrammed by digital inputs. The social context is an important part of this digital tsunami. This is recalibrating our behavior and also becoming an implicit part of how we think and feel about the world around us. And of course this also has a huge impact on how we make our decisions about where, what and how we shop. And yet when we walk into most retail environments we are entering a digital deserts, barren of any meaningful information at all. However, statistics clearly shows that there will not be an end to physical retail but rather its repurposing. Given the malls’ initial sensorial and experience based quality, physical stores have the biggest potential to become media points, where retailers articulate their brand story and excite customers about their products. The shopping mall can become the most powerful and effective form of media that is available. From a users’ perspective, this means addressing the ever changing expectations based on behavioral trends. Augmenting the physical shopping experiences with interactive search and personalized offerings, even instant access to product information, user reviews, feedback and easy delivery.
Disrupt the (M)all: Track the(m)all. Project by Strelka Students 15/16