Experiencing time through the direct experience of the earth and sky has a profound impact on the human heart. It connects us back through time to the Ancients who looked up to the sky, continually searching the vastness, marking and measuring and trying to know our universe. They were addressing the same human need we have all had from the moment we could look at the sky. And this is the need to find transcendent order in our world.
Janet Saad-Cook’s art lies at the intersection of light and space and time. Internationally honored for four decades as a pioneer in the field of transdisciplinary art, Saad-Cook uses Astronomy and Physics to capture sunlight and reshape it into brilliant images soaring across walls, evolving and dissolving with the sweeping sunlight. The Artist combines ancient sun marking techniques with 21st century technology to create solar sculptures that reflect transformational images of sunlight, attuning viewers to the cosmos while revealing glimpses of the grand order of the universe. She draws upon the certainty of the sun’s daily and seasonal return to create hope in our lives, focusing the connection of all humanity through the cycle of the sun. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
How I paint with light | Janet Saad-Cook | TEDxVienna