Dr. Shruti Kapoor, founder of Sayfty and a child sexual abuse survivor shows people how common child sexual abuse is in our society. She asks where are we going wrong as a society? And what we as adults can do to address this pandemic and ensure our children have a happy and memorable childhood.
Dr. Shruti Kapoor is the founder of Sayfty Trust and a gender equality activist. Shaken by the horrific gang rape in Delhi in 2012 that caught the attention of the global news media, she founded her organization with the goal to educate and empower women and girls in India to protect themselves from violence.

Dr. Kapoor was named by Apolitical as one of the most influential people in global policy in 2019. The BrahmaKumaris awarded Dr. Kapoor the “Achievement and Excellence in Human Rights” in 2019. With a PhD. in Economics, from University of CA Riverside, Shruti is committed to ending violence against women and girls. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

How To Talk To Children About Safe Touch | Shruti Kapoor | TEDxGateway