Modern Family‘s Sofia Vergara tops our new ranking of the world’s highest paid actresses this year with $43 million, as the TV star led a surge of small-screen paydays that eclipsed those in the movie business. Hollywood veteran Angelina Jolie ($35 million) and Red Notice star Gal Gadot ($31 million) come in second and third on the list.

In all, the ten highest-paid actresses earned a combined $254 million in the 12 months leading up to June, down 20% from last year. All but two—Angelina Jolie and Emily Blunt (No. 6; $22.5 million)—made the bulk of their earnings from television and streaming. Those who made most of their money from traditional films earned an aggregate of $58 million this year, down from $136.5 million in 2019.

Proof the apple cart is upset: Scarlett Johansson, who topped last year’s list with earnings of $56 million doesn’t even make the top ten. Last year she made about $35 million off the backend for her role as Marvel’s Black Widow in Avengers: Endgame. Next year she should be helped by her share of profits from the pandemic-delayed sequel Black Widow. But this year her earnings are down by more than $40 million, leaving her off the list entirely.

While Hollywood may be moving closer to gender pay equity, there is still a ways to go. The ten highest-paid male actors collected $545.5 million this year, almost double that of their female peers.

Earnings estimates are based on data from Nielsen, Box Office Mojo and IMDB, as well as interviews with industry insiders. All figures are pretax; fees for agents, managers and lawyers (generally 10%, 15% and 5% respectively) are not deducted.

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The Highest-Earning Actresses From 2010-2020 | Forbes