Zoe Katsigianni was born in Volos and studied at the Department of Graphic Design at the School of Graphic Arts and Artistic Studies of the Athenian National Technical University.. From 1987 and for the next 24 years she would work at the “Eleutheros Tipos” newspaper atelier. In the beginning, she was involved in designing the newspapers’ pages and setting up its inserts and magazines. Later on, she has occupied with the front page of the newspaper, staying in charge for 15 years. Since 2006 she is mainly designing infographics. She has designed corporate and commercial graphic products for Greek companies. She was, also, involved in both publishing and designing newspapers. For her designs that were published in Eleutheros Tipos she has been distinguished by EBGE, in the European Newspaper Awards for a total of 14 designs, and from the Botsis Institution for her overall presence in the press designing infographics. She is a member of Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers.
Panos Kostantopoulos was born in 1972. He studied graphic design in Athens. He started his career as a designer for the “Epsilon” magazine of “Kiriakatiki Eleutherotipia” newspaper. In 2002 in the EBGE competition he was awarded for his charts in “Eleutherotipia” and for his design for the literary magazine “Vivliothiki”. In 2008, 2009 and 2012 he has been awarded for his charts in “Kathimerini” newspaper by the European Newspaper Awards in Vienna, and in 2018 by the Botsis Foundation for his overall presence in press designing infographics. From 2008 until 2015 he was responsible for the designs in the design and maps department of “Kathimerini” newspaper. He has also worked at ETHNOS, at the Athens News Agency, at ERT (Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation) designing infographics for the central newscast, and at other news sites. He is the head of grammabooks publishing, member of the greekinfographics team, and he directs the gr design magazine. Panos Kostantopoulos was born in 1972. He studied graphic design in Athens. He started his career as a designer for the “Epsilon” magazine of “Kiriakatiki Eleutherotipia” newspaper. In 2002 in the EBGE competition he was awarded for his charts in “Eleutherotipia” and for his design for the literary magazine “Vivliothiki”. In 2008, 2009 and 2012 he has been awarded for his charts in “Kathimerini” newspaper by the European Newspaper Awards in Vienna, and in 2018 by the Botsis Foundation for his overall presence in press designing infographics. From 2008 until 2015 he was responsible for the designs in the design and maps department of “Kathimerini” newspaper. He has also worked at ETHNOS, at the Athens News Agency, at ERT (Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation) designing infographics for the central newscast, and at other news sites. He is the head of grammabooks publishing, member of the greekinfographics team, and he directs the gr design magazine.

Zoi Katsigianni was born in Volos and studied at the Department of Graphic Design at the School of Graphic Arts and Artistic Studies of the Athenian National Technical University.. From 1987 and for the next 24 years she would work at the “Eleutheros Tipos” newspaper atelier. In the beginning, she was involved in designing the newspapers’ pages and setting up its inserts and magazines. Later on, she has occupied with the front page of the newspaper, staying in charge for 15 years. Since 2006 she is mainly designing infographics. She has designed corporate and commercial graphic products for Greek companies. She was, also, involved in both publishing and designing newspapers. For her designs that were published in Eleutheros Tipos she has been distinguished by EBGE, in the European Newspaper Awards for a total of 14 designs, and from the Botsis Institution for her overall presence in the press designing infographics. She is a member of Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

The visualization of info | Panos Konstantopoulos & Zoe Katsigianni | TEDxUniversityofMacedonia