Jordan Abdi(乔丹·阿卜迪)是一名来自伦敦的医生,具备医学和神经科学的专业背景,现在是一名苏世民学者。在本科期间,Jordan联合创立London Forum for Science and Policy(伦敦科学与政策论坛),这一论坛作为科技政策的智囊团,与伦敦市政厅和欧盟委员会建立了合作关系。

Jordan Abdi is a doctor in London with an academic background in Medicine and Neuroscience. As an undergraduate, Jordan co-founded the London Forum for Science and Policy, a science policy think-tank that has produced policy papers in partnership with London City Hall and the European Commission.


What should we expect of healthcare? Mr. Abdi takes an outlook of the present healthcare system, diving it mainly into preventive healthcare and disease treatment. The contrast between these two reflects that the former is neglected to a certain degree. Healthcare contains a broad sense, but why has it become what it is today?

来听听Jordan Abdi的回答。

Let’s hear what Jordan Abdi has to say.

TEDxTHU 是TEDx组织在清华大学的官方合作组织。TEDx将TED组织‘传播有价值的思想’的精神定在世界各地。TEDx由具有好奇心、善于发现新点子、乐于交流的人组织。

TEDxTHU officially represents TEDx at Tsinghua University. TEDx brings the spirit of TED’s mission of ‘ideas worth spreading’ to local communities around the globe. TEDx events are organized by curious individuals who seek to discover ideas and spark conversations in their own community.
Jordan Abdi(乔丹·阿卜迪)是一名来自伦敦的医生,具备医学和神经科学的专业背景,现在是一名苏世民学者。在本科期间,Jordan联合创立London Forum for Science and Policy(伦敦科学与政策论坛),这一论坛作为科技政策的智囊团,与伦敦市政厅和欧盟委员会建立了合作关系。

Jordan Abdi is a doctor in London with an academic background in Medicine and Neuroscience from Imperial College London. As an undergraduate, Jordan co-founded the London Forum for Science and Policy, a science policy think-tank that has produced policy papers in partnership with London City Hall and the European Commission. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

What should we expect of healthcare? 我们应期待什么样的医疗? | 乔丹·阿卜迪 (Jordan Abdi) | TEDxTHU