Once a fan of low-cost airlines, Maja Rosén gave up flying for the sake of the climate over a decade ago. She is the co-founder of the organization We Stay on the Ground and the campaigns Flight Free 2019 and Flight Free 2020, which have spread across the globe. Maja is convinced that most people would be willing to do what it takes to solve the climate emergency if they realized what is at stake and the importance of their own actions. She has written the guide “We Need to Talk about Aviation” to encourage more people to talk about this important issue. Her talk is entitled «We need to stay on the ground» and explains why giving up flying is one of the most important things you can do to save the climate. Once a fan of low-cost airlines, Maja Rosén gave up flying for the sake of the climate over a decade ago. She is the co-founder of the organization We Stay on the Ground and the campaigns Flight Free 2019 and Flight Free 2020, which have spread across the globe. Maja is convinced that most people would be willing to do what it takes to solve the climate emergency if they realized what is at stake and the importance of their own actions. She has written the guide “We Need to Talk about Aviation” to encourage more people to talk about this important issue. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Why we need to stay on the ground | Maja Rosen | TEDxHochschuleLuzern