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The Antares Trade platform is developing rapidly, and more and more people are getting richer with our help. This means that there are many questions from newcomers and journalists. This is why Alex Richter decided to meet with a representative of Traders’ Insight and dispel several myths and doubts.
The platform’s founder touched upon many important topics. He talked about himself, his experience, education and hobbies, and also answered 30 questions; here are some of them:
— How did you come up with the idea to create Antares?
— Is there a fee for inviting new partners?
— How long does Antares Trade plan to operate?
— Why does Antares Crypto Bot only trade on Antares Exchange?
— How does the platform make money?
— Why do personal accounts of Antares partners sometimes get hacked?
— How do partner companies get high profits?
— Is it true that the platform plans to go public in 2022?
— What will happen to Antares in 2 years?
— How many people are working on the platform?
You will find answers to these and other questions in the video.
website: https://antares.trade/
telegram: https://t.me/antrtrade
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BMxVVJIbg/?igshid=17n1lxdk3amuc
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antarestrade2020
twitter: https://twitter.com/antares_trade
youku: https://i.youku.com/i/UNzcxOTUzNDY4NA==?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0
Vkontakte: https://vk.com/antares_trade_limited
Interview with Antares Founder Alex Richter (Spanish)