His talk, «CheckyourBS», is about understanding your belief system in a leadership context and how to lead in times of change and uncertainty. Michael Vaz resides in Singapore with his lovely wife and three insanely energetic kids. Apart from being an aspiring nominee for super dad and husband of the year, Michael currently serves as Vice President of Learning & Development for Accor. Described as having “boundless energy & positivity” on stage and hopefully off stage as well, Michael has been blessed with the gift of inspiring audiences across various companies and is a passionate conference keynote speaker. Michael has also served in Global, Regional and Corporate leadership roles across a variety of truly global companies including Accor, Starwood, Fairmont & Emaar and has moved with his family to various locations on this exciting journey called “life”! Michael Vaz resides in Singapore with his lovely wife and three insanely energetic kids. Apart from being an aspiring nominee for super dad and husband of the year, Michael currently serves as Vice President of Learning & Development for AccorHotels. Described as having “boundless energy & positivity” on stage and hopefully off stage as well, Michael has been blessed with the gift of inspiring audiences across various companies and is a passionate conference keynote speaker. Michael has also served in Global, Regional and Corporate leadership roles across a variety of truly global companies including Accor, Starwood, Fairmont & Emaar and has moved with his family to various locations on this exciting journey called “ life”! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Check your BS for success | Michael Vaz | TEDxHochschuleLuzern