The video for ‘Windswept’ was directed by the late artist and filmmaker Derek Jarman. Recorded at various studios in London, Nassau and New York, the song featured guest appearances from David Gilmour, Mark Knopfler, Nile Rodgers, David Sanborn, Guy Pratt and Chester Kamen. The track was released in 1985 on the album ‘Boys and Girls’.

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Oh baby do it again and again
I can hear nothing
Windswept is the sand

Oh baby show me more
I can see nothing
Windswept is the shore

To nightshade
Oh I’m feeling swept away

Oh baby don’t leave me there
With a low whisper
Windswept in the air

You say it’s nothing
But a game to play
Oh I’m feeling swept away

Slow baby you can take your time
I can hear nothing
Windswept is the tide

A feeling only or a state of mind
Mama take me high mama
Mama take me high

Bryan Ferry – Windswept (Promo Video)