Sara Dahan has always been a quiet person so she knows that when looking for authority figures, we tend to overlook quieter, more reserved people. But what if she told you that being quiet doesn’t mean you can’t lead effectively, speak publicly, or impact change? If you are an introvert looking for some motivation and some inspiration, look no further! In this challenging talk, Sara takes a close look at what it means to be a quiet leader, and what perspective they can bring to the table. A community builder of 12 years, Sara Dahan runs Catalyst, a community strategy agency that helps businesses build authentic, thriving communities around their brand. Catalyst leverages the resources of the private sector to transform society into a more empathetic and connected place while also building strong, organic brand loyalty that fuels companies growth. Sara earned her Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience at MIT and her Master’s in Epidemiology from NYU, and has always been fascinated by what drives human behavior and the ways we gather. In her talk, “Quiet People Will Change The World”, Sara questions what it means to have a voice and discusses strategies we can learn from quiet people to become authentic and empathetic leaders. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Quiet People Will Change the World | Sara Dahan | TEDxSingSing