Sara Blakely is founder and owner of shapewear brand Spanx, which sells undergarments, leggings, swimwear and maternity wear in over 50 countries. A onetime door-to-door fax machine salesperson, Blakely made a makeshift undergarment using pantyhose to wear under white slacks. She initially shilled her new invention, which became shapewear brand Spanx, on the sales floor at various Neiman Marcus stores. While Spanx is a celebrity favorite, Blakely is becoming a celebrity herself. She is a guest judge on ‘Shark Tank’ and had a cameo in ‘Billions.’ At the 2018 Forbes Under 30 Summit, Blakely shared how a combination of comedians, Kodak and Coca-Cola all played a role in how the billionaire entrepreneur settled on Spanx.
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Spanx Founder Sara Blakely On How She Named Her Company | Forbes