Every day, we are faced with difficult decisions. We make constant choices about how to respond to problems, confrontation, celebration, and news. How impactful are those mundane, everyday choices? Jon-Adrian thinks they have the power to change our entire lives. Jon-Adrian Velasquez is the co-founder of the C.H.O.I.C.E.S program, which helps the children of incarcerated men at Sing Sing learn to think critically about situations, calm their emotions, and make healthy choices. This program has changed the lives of so many and in this incredible talk, Jon-Adrian wants to help you use it to change yours. Jon-Adrian led a 22-year crusade against his wrongful conviction while helping other innocent men obtain exoneration. Featured on NBC’s Dateline and the Wrongful Conviction Podcast with Jason Flom, Jon-Adrian opened up about his innocence in the case. Jon-Adrian splits his time between his work as a Program Assistant at Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison and Co-Founder and Chairman of Voices from Within. Jon Adrian’s unique personal experiences fuel his passion for uplifting communities through his collaboration and work with prison administrators, elected officials, and community leaders. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
The C.H.O.I.C.E.S Connection | Jon-Adrian Velazquez | TEDxSingSing