“I left Stanford thinking I would be a professional circus performer,” says Jacoby, who spent time teaching acrobatics in a Brazilian gang-diversion program. That experience led her to cofound a company in 2018 that took a more systemic approach to criminal-justice reform. Recidiviz aggregates and standardizes fragmented data across prisons, probation and parole. When Covid-19 began sweeping through prisons, North Dakota used Recidiviz to identify those eligible for early release, track their release’s impact on public safety and reduce its prison population by 25% in a month. The company has attracted over $10 million in funding from the likes of Jim Breyer, Bill Ackman and Ashton Kutcher. “We incarcerate more people and for longer than any country in the history of the world,” Jacoby says. “And right now there’s bipartisan alignment to unwind mass incarceration.”

As North America settles in for a long pandemic winter, there are bright spots on the horizon. Hundreds of them. The 600 young entrepreneurs, activists, scientists and entertainers featured in our 10th Annual Forbes 30 Under 30 give everyone reason to hope. Some are defying the odds and building businesses despite Covid-19; others are helping to fight the illness, serving on hospital front- lines or working with A.I. to discover new drugs. This year they were photographed by one of their own: Mamadi Doumbouya, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea who appears in this year’s Art & Style group. Collectively, our Under 30 trailblazers have raised over $1 billion in venture funding and are proof positive that ambition and innovation can’t be quarantined.

Read the full list on Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/30-under-30/2021/

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Why Clementine Jacoby’s Recidiviz Is Taking On America’s Incarceration Problem | Forbes