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Dear partners, are you ready for the most exciting and largest event of this year, or are you still thinking about getting some tickets to Your Star Trek Dubai 2021?

For those who doubt about, we decided to lift the veil and share the from the main speaker of the event, Smiljan Mori.

He is one of the best motivators in the world, the owner of a successful business, the creator of one of the largest direct sales structures in Europe, a recognized expert in finance, insurance, business training, network marketing and motivation. He showed more than 310,000 people from 50 countries how to change their lives for the better. Smiljan Mori is the author of the bestseller “7 secrets of motivation”, the book “Mini Motivator”, as well as numerous audio and video trainings, such as “Motivation for success”, “Think like a winner”, etc.

He has devoted his life to the study and teaching of the laws of success, and he can safely be called, by vocation, a motivational speaker. He’s the man who knows how to inspire and motivate people with personal stories and his own ideas!

See the Smiljan Mori invitation and find out what awaits you at Your Star Trek Dubai 2021 this Monday!

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Invitation to Your Star Trek Dubai 2021 From Smiljan Mori